Episode 29: Making Time For Marketing


avatarThe original show we recorded for Episode 29 was what we call in the podcasting biz “unlistenable”. Just the worst. So Chris and Joel, united once again — at last! — in New York City recorded an episode together that’s much, much better. Sorry if you’re still not, like, “Wow this is awesome.” It’s better, okay? Deal.

In this episode, we talk about using social media for your on-the-side business, and making the most of your off-season marketing.

Also, Chris has no memory of what happened after recording this episode because he got too drunk. So that’s pretty funny.

Talking Points

Episode 26 – My Brother, My Brother and Me (and Us)


avatarWe were on #MBMBaM! This week, we deconstruct the results of our first major ad spot on our favourite podcast (other than ours), “My Brother, My Brother and Me“. Was it successful? Did we see relevant results? How do you turn your body into hot dogs?

Talking Points

  • MBMBaM #185 (with our ad!)
  • Some basic stats, as of recording (measured between Jan 26–Feb 1):
    • 215 unique visitors
    • 480 page views
    • 1.79 pages per visit
    • 01:44 average duration on the site
    • 68.66% bounce rate
    • 78.36% new visitors
    • 370+ new subscribers
  • Key Performance Indicators